
 This blog does not, storage any kind of materials. The only thing we offer is access to another sites which we are not related in anyway with them. According to the copyright policies, that some acts in USA are using, and also Google.

This blog is only supported by my own, by adsense (publicity ), offered by Google in a contextual way. According to the policies of Google we are not allowed to ask for click in any of this banners. Eventhough that this is the only way to support this time consuming task to build this blog.
We sustain that we dont agree with the restrictions in the access to medical information. And this kind of information would be keep free for all people around the world.
These blog could be better seen in Chrome browser (R)

Este blog no guarda en ningun servidor el material aqui mostrado. Lo único que se ofrece son enlaces a otros sitios, con los cuales no tenemos ningún tipo de vínculos.

Este blog se mantiene exclusivamente por la publicidad que provee adsense, de manera contextual. Acorde a las politicas de Google, no se nos está permitido promover dichas conductas. Aún cuando la única forma de financiamiento que tiene este blog, tiempo personal y pago de internet, intenta sustentarse bajo las politicas de Google Adsense.

Este blog sostiene la libertad de proveer material de información, en particular cientifica. Y entendemos que la misma debiera ser liberada para todos los habitantes del mundo. Ya que  este tipo de información médica debe ser patrimonio universal.
Este blog puede ser visto mejor en Google Chrome (R).

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